Southern Hairy Nosed Wombat, SA's Faunal Emblem
Aims and Scope
Published since 1880, the Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia is a multidisciplinary journal that aims to publish high quality, peer-reviewed papers of particular relevance to Australasia.
There is a particular focus on natural history topics such as: botany, zoology, geology, geomorphology, palaeontology, meteorology, geophysics, biophysics, soil science, environmental science, and environmental health. However, the journal is not restricted to these fields, with papers concerning epidemiology, ethnology, anthropology, linguistics, and the history of science and exploration also welcomed.
Submissions are welcome from all authors, and membership of the Royal Society of South Australia is not required.
The following types of manuscripts are welcome: Reviews, Original Research Papers, History of Science and Exploration, Brief Communications, Obituaries.
Journal Impact Factor
The 2023 Journal Impact Factor (Clarivate Analytics) for the Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia is 0.8 (5-year IF 0.7) and is now ranked 85/143 in the Multidisciplinary Science category. Clarivate changed the way IFs are calculated in 2023, adopting a unified ranking approach, leading to an 85% increase in the number of journals in the Multidisciplinary Sciences category and a decline in IFs for 70% of journals; those for TRSSA stayed the same or increased slightly.
The Editor, Assoc/Prof Trevor Worthy, welcomes submission of papers in these fields. The Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia is now published by Taylor and Francis. All manuscripts must be submitted on-line via Editorial Manager. Go to to submit your article.
Papers commenting on previously published work are welcome providing they contain new data. The Transactions also publishes a small number of scientific papers with a largely historical focus because they have a particular interest to South Australia.
Instructions for authors (click here)
Reference style (PDF). The Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia uses the APA style of referencing. Authors should ensure that they adhere to this style.
Review process and time to publication
Each manuscript is assessed by two anonymous reviewers. The typical time in review is 4-6 weeks. After manuscripts are accepted for publication, they can be transferred to production, which takes 2-3 weeks for page proofs to be created. After authors address any production queries, papers are published in early on-line form (with their own DOIs) within a few weeks. Papers are then assigned to journal issues and receive pagination and volume numbers at a later date. Two issues are published each year, in May and November.
Editorial Board for the Royal Society of South Australia
Dr Bill Breed, The University of Adelaide.
A/Prof. Trevor Worthy, Flinders University, Adelaide
Assoc. Editor
A/Prof. Craig Williams, South Australia University, Adelaide
Editorial Board
Dr. Philip A. Clarke, Consultant Anthropologist,
Faith Coleman, Founding Partner, EcoProTem, Adelaide
Prof Steve McKillup, Central Queensland University, Rockhampton
Dr. John Jennings, University of Adelaide
Assoc. Prof Jim Jago University of Adelaide
Dr Catherine Kemper, The University of Adelaide
Dr. Oliver Mayo, CSIRO Adelaide
Dr. Nick Souter, Conservation International, Cambodia and Adelaide
Assoc. Prof Mark Stevens, South Australian Museum, Adelaide
Dr Haylee Weaver, Australian Biological Resources Study
Accessing Transactions articles, 2005-present day via Taylor and Francis
The Transactions are now produced electronically and in paper copy, through the Taylor and Francis publishing house, which can be accessed here.
Financial members receive the Transactions as part of their subscriptions. Access is renewed yearly once subscriptions are paid.
Accessing Transactions articles 1879-2005, via the Biodiversity Heritage Library
The Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia is complete on the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) from Volume 3 to 131 (1879-2007). Volumes 1-3 can be found under the previous journal title Transactions and proceedings and report of the Philosophical Society of Adelaide, South Australia. Once the BHL is open, it will commence with the earliest volumes, to gain access to later volumes, keep clicking on the Succeeded by xxx item until the volume range you need is indicated in the upper right box, then click on the box. To go back, click on the Preceeded by xxx.
Accessing records of the South Australian Museum, 1918-2003, via the Biodiversity Heritage Library
There is a complete run of the Records of the South Australian Museum on BHL from to 1918 to 2003 (Volumes 1-36).